The Procurement Office is responsible for oversight of procurement for both BSU and NTC. This includes the management of purchase orders, contracts, sourcing and the purchasing card program.


If you have any procurement questions, contact:
Location: Deputy 201, #5
Phone: (218) 755-2044

Purchasing Deadlines

Below are the FY2023 purchasing deadlines:

  • Purchases above $10,000: No purchases after May 19, 2023
  • Purchases $10,000 or less: No purchases after June 12, 2023

Inform vendors to provide final FY2023 invoices no later than July 10, 2023.

In order to use FY2023 funds, goods must be received or services rendered no later than June 30, 2023. Services completed or goods received after June 30, 2023 will be paid with FY2024 funds, regardless of when the PO was created.

P-Card Use Reminder for Fiscal Year End

  • No purchases made with your p-card after June 16, 2023.
  • June 17 through July 5, p-card usage should be limited to EMERGENCIES ONLY with supervisor’s approval prior to purchase.
  • Normal use of p-cards may resume July 6, 2023, for FY2024.


All contracts for FY2023 will be initiated and completed within the Contract Module in Marketplace. Contracts should be started at least 30 days prior to the event of service start date.

Business Expense and Travel Reimbursement Requests

Business Expense Reimbursements are due by July 6, 2023 for expenses and travel that occurred prior to July 1.

Purchase Orders

The official document used to procure goods and services is the Purchase Order. In order to originate a purchase order, an employee must be set up in Minnesota Marketplace. Contact the Procurement Office to obtain information on how to get Marketplace security rights and training. Please see the links below for more information on Purchase Orders.

Submit a Purchase Request form for additional assistance. The form is intended to outline & simplify the contract request process as well as provide ease of tracking and communication. Please reach out to the Academic Support Team or Maria Eastman if you have any questions.

Other Purchasing Resources