Business Services seeks to exceed expectations of students, staff, faculty and other partners in the delivery of daily services and performance of tasks essential to responsible management of university resources.

Deputy Hall 201 #5
1500 Birchmont Drive NE
Bemidji MN, 56601

Phone: (218) 755-2183
Fax: (218) 755-2160

Office Location Box Phone
Accounting Services Deputy 204 #5 (218) 755-2448
Accounts Receivable/Student Billing Deputy 202 #5 (218) 755-2183
Cashiers Deputy 202 #5 (218) 755-2045
Grant Accounting Deputy 204 #5 (218) 755-2448
Inventory Deputy 201 #5 (218) 755-2044
Parking Permits Deputy 202
Procurement Deputy 201 #5 (218) 755-2044
Student Employment Deputy 203B #5 (218) 755-2850
Travel Deputy 203B #5 (218) 755-2850
Vendor Payments Deputy 201 #5 (218) 755-2052