Requesting Access to Marketplace

Please contact Procurement to determine which roles should be requested, delegation of authority should be in place before roles are authorized.

  1. Begin at the Employee Home webpage:
    Login using your starid credentials
  2. Select “Security Administration”
  3. Select “Dashboard” > “Web”
  4. Select “Add Web Roles”
  5. In Approval Group select “Finance”
  6. In “Role, Permission or Report Name” type “pc” (to filter for procurement roles) > Search
  7. Select the role you need access to and click “Add Checked Web Roles” (you will receive notification once your request is reviewed, approved or denied)
  8. Once approved, you can log into Marketplace

View PDF instructions here: Security Rights for Marketplace

Logging On/Profile

  1. Log into Employee Home
  2. Select Purchasing
  3. Click the Purchasing drop down menu, select Minnesota State Marketplace and the sign on screen will appear.

User Guide for Profile Setup

Updating Fiscal year in Marketplace profile


Non-Catalog form = Goods purchases, memberships

Blanket Order Form = Contracted Services

Change Requests


Non-Catalog or Punch Out = Quantity Received

Blanket Order = Cost Receipt

Please use the BSU/NTC Marketplace guide when receipting goods and services.

Receipting is required prior to payment on all goods and services. Take time to verify all required fields are accurate before saving. Send a hard copy of the invoice to A/P right away.

For Blanket Orders, accuracy is key. Once the first payment is made, future receipts cannot be reopened to correct errors. Discuss concerns or questions with A/P before finalizing the receipt. Our goal is smooth and prompt payment to vendors.

Common Errors to Avoid

These are the most common errors that may be encountered.

The Receipt Date is Incorrect

For products, the date should be the date the product arrived on Campus. For services, the date is the last date of service. If you have any questions call Accounts Payable (218) 755-2899 or (218) 755-2052.

Missing the Packing Slip or Invoice

Every receipt is required to have documentation uploaded and attached. The documentation should have the items shipped or services performed, vendor name and PO number. The date received should either be written on the packing slip or date stamped. Please use the Affidavit in Lieu of Packing Slip form.

Not Sending the Original Invoice to the Business Office

Some Vendors send the invoices directly to the Department. Please forward the invoice to the Business office at Box 5 or email to does not get a notification when you create a receipt.

Creating One Receipt with Two Invoices or Packing Slips

Each packing slip will have their own receipt and each invoice will have their own receipt. It is possible to have many receipts for one PO. Remember to change quantities or costs in the line details if you are receiving a partial shipment.

Any of these errors will result in the receipt being returned to the originator for correction and causes payment delays.

How to Search for Vendors

  • Within Marketplace
  • Employee Home — Accounting
  • Employee Home — Purchasing

Vendor Fulfillment Remittance Addresses in the Marketplace Search Instructions for Marketplace.

Vendor Search Instructions for Employee Home here: User Guide — Vendor Search